Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

This error involves: Mean square error 
due to the influence of erroneously setted 
elevation and due to film shrinkage: 
This error involves: Mean square tap 
ping-off error in the Coordinatograph: 
— From plottings 1 : 2,000 with the 
C8 Stereoplanigraph: 
17 cm in nature = 0.06 mm on the map 
5 cm in nature = 0.02 mm on the map. 
0.08 mm — 0.09 mm on the map. 
This comparison of the errors shows that, in spite of the unfavourable configuration of 
the terrain, exact maps can be prepared by means of the Orthoprojector, their ac 
curacy being comparable with those obtained by Stereoplotters. 

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