Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

Thanks to this, besides avoiding the rotation of the drawing paper 
for small component do, some small graphic or numerical aereo- 
triangulations can be made. 
For the employment of the instrument in plotting of oblique or 
terrestrial aereophotographs taken with phototheodolite, the general 
bridge can be rotated at will. As in this case it is necessary to set 
the components by and b% of the base, there are provided accessory 
devices to apply to the third carriage of the coordinatograph. 
For a given magnification between photogram and topographic 
map is intuitive that the final precision will be greater, the larger 
the magnification between the photogram and the optical model, 
instead of between the optical model and the map. 
In fact it is exactly by means of the scales of the coordinatograph 
that plotting is accomplished, by means of the measurement of 
the coordinates of the control points, instead of relying on the 
graphic precision of the map. The Stereosimplex II/c, like all other 
instruments constructed by Officine Galileo, has been conceived 
by Santoni to manufacture an optical model at very large scale.

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