sx = s 0 } / Q>
Consequently the standard errors of the corrected coordinates can be
found for arbitrary numbers and locations of the stars. Then the standard
error of the angles can be computed from the principal distance of the photo
graph and the positions of the actual points. It should be noted that in this
simplified procedure regular errors may remain undetected to influence the
results. The determination and comparison of the standard errors of unit
weight with the corresponding values from calibration procedures will, how
ever, indicate certain regular errors. Normal distribution tests of the residuals
are also advisable. The adjustment procedure used here is similar to that
known as a Helmert-transformation. The determination of the geometrical
quality, which is the main purpose of this paper, has been treated by the
present author in previous papers in photogrammetry, see for instance Hallert
1960 a.
2. Reconstruction of rays with the aid of the interior orientation
of the photograph
In this case the rays are reconstructed from measured image coordinates and
the elements of the interior orientation only. The procedure is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. The direction toward P is to be determined with the aid of the elements of the interior
orientation only. These elements are indicated as the position of the principal point H'
in the negative plane and the principal distance (camera constant) c. Attention must
also be paid to possible regular errors of the image coordinates as determined through
the camera calibration. A statistical value of the irregular errors should also be estimated.