Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

AO № 
Figure 4 - Illustration of Highway Cross-Section Data Points 
Coordinates push button. This action causes the coordinates of point 1 
to be punched, and the computer simultaneously moves the reference 
mark 10 meters in a direction perpendicular to the route direction, to 
point 2. The operator again sets the elevation and pushes the Punch 
Coordinates button. The computer then moves the reference mark to 
point 3. After the operator causes the coordinates of that point to be 
punched, the computer moves the reference mark back to point 1 and 
sets the elevation to the value which the operator had previously de 
termined for that point. 
The above sequence completes the operation for obtaining cross- 
section data at points 1, 2, and 3. Next, the operator uses the Veltropolo 
to move along the highway route toward point 4. During this process, 
the computer measures the distance traveled, stopping the motion at 
point 4 when a distance of 20 meters has been traversed. The operator 
and computer then repeat the sequence of operations which was followed 
for points 1, 2, and 3. After the above process has been completed for 
the entire route, the output tape contains complete information regarding 
the terrain along the proposed route. 
The AP-C system opens up new possibilities for methods in 
which aerial triangulation might be accomplished. In the past, aerial 
triangulation has been performed either by using conventional plotters

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