Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

are provided by a projection system using glass scales: pro 
jection-screen verniers are nou supplied to facilitate more 
accurate reading of the elevations. For automatic recording 
of coordinates, the EK5 Electric Coordinate Printer can be con 
nected to digitizers mounted on the x, y and z spindle systems. 
Platting can be dene an the separate table with pencil carriage 
drive transmitted from the x and y spindles through a gearbox 
an the A9. Sets of exchangeable gears provide far a wide 
range of enlargements or reductions from model to manuscript 
scale. For the smaller scales (l:50 □□□, 1:100 000, 1:250 □□□) 
the platting table with 7Dcm x 7Dcm drauing surface mould be 
sufficient, but a 100cm x 100cm table (Fig.2) is also available 
far the larger scales from 1:5000 to 1:50 □□□. The electro 
magnetic pencil-lift operation of both tables is controlled by 
a foot switch. The PR1 Prcfilascope can be mounted an the 
pencil carriages cf bath tables far platting contours from 
a grid of measured spat heights, as sometimes is desirable in the 
case cf very flat terrain. 
Fig* 2 • Wild A9 Autograph and large plotting table with 
lCDcm x 100cm drauing surface.

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