Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

The formula is developed for determining the lamer limit of 
the flying height, and it is demonstrated that apart from 
special cases such as for mountainous terrain and cities, 120° 
photography can be used for mapping at large scales. It is 
known that the RC9/A9/B9 and the RC9/B8 combinations are being 
used profitably for mapping at scales as large as 1:5B0B, 
a contributory reason being the possibility of obtaining 
economical photo scales from flying heights below the level 
where the use of oxygen is essential. This factor assumes 
greater importance over high-lying terrain. A test on the 
larger-scale applications is at present being conducted by 
the Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH, Zurich. 
(l) Bertele, L. : 
(2) Kasper, H. : 
(3) Kasper, H. : 
(4) Löscher, U. : 
(5) Kasper, H. : 
(\leu Photogrammetric Lenses. Lecture to 
IBP Congress 1956. International Archives 
of Photogrammetry, Uol. XII Part 4a. 
Gedanken zur Anwendung der Photogrammetrie 
in der kleinmasstäblichen Kartographie, 
Teil I. Photogrammetria 1955-56, l\)o.l. 
(reprinted in Englsih under the same title 
as (5) in Photogrammetric Engineering, 
December 1956) 
Gedanken zur Anwendung der Photogrammetrie 
in der kleinmasstäblichen Kartographie, 
Teil II. Photogrammetria 1955-56, (\Jo.4. 
New Photogrammetric Plotting Instruments. 
Lecture to IBP Congress 1956. 
Borne Considerations an the Application of 
Photogrammetry for Small Scale Cartography. 
Presented Paper, IBP Congress 196G. Inter 
national Archives of Photogrammetry, 
\Jol. XIII, Part 5.

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