Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

In the B8 Stereomat, optimum adaptation of the optics of the 
scanning system to the electronic requirements made it possible 
to ensure the functioning of the Stereomat system even with 
very low image contrast. The use of separate scanning systems 
for the two pictures permitted the introduction of slope 
correction, and the relatively small stereo model scale led 
to higher restitution speed. By these means the significant 
limitations of the Stereomat system were remedied as far as 
technically possible. At the same time a device uas created for 
fully automatic production of orthophotographs. 
While the B8 Stereomat has successfully solved the joint problems 
of photogrammetric restitution and automatic correlation, this 
is by no means the ultimate application of the Stereomat system. 
Based on the experience gathered uith this development, it would 
now be possible to design a completely new instrument conceived 
initially with the limitations and potentialities of automation 
in mind. Such a device would have the possibility of producing 
contour information simultaneously with the orthophotography, 
thereby eliminating the need for full-time human monitoring. At 
the same time, the restriction in scale magnification between 
the diapositives and the orthophotagraphy can be largely over 
come. Such an instrument would finally bring the full benefits 
of automatic mapping to the photogrammetric community. 
I am grateful to Hr.Fred Doyle for correction of my manuscript.

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