Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

7. Introduction 
Tests conducted "by ACIC -were directed -¿owards investigating the 
a. Determine the basic precision of the AP-2 mechanisms, 
h. Study the accuracy of AP-2 computations based upon given 
c. Bridging 
d. Compilation 
e. Black Box Capability * 
8. Mechanical Tests 
- Mechanical tests of the AP-2 were designed to determine the 
a. Accuracy of the plate carriage movement. 
b. Accuracy of the plotting table. 
c. Model flatness. 
No errors in calibration were assumed for these tests. 
8.1 Plate Carriage Tests 
The plate carriage tests were performed using a 2 l/2" x 2 l/2” 
square grid with a line spacing of 2 l/2 mm. Each line of the grid 
was 5P wide and each grid intersection was calibrated to within 2p. 
The test consisted of placing the grid in each carriage and 
reading out the photo x, y plate coordinates of a distributed set of 
intersections at the console of the instrument. A linear conformal 
adjustment of the observed data to the calibrated grid data was made 
with the following unit standard radial observation error. 
Op — pa ^ —a-u carraage) 
Op = (Right carriage) 
It' was concluded, there was no significant difference between 
the precision of the two carriages with respect to the count readout 
of .01 mm at the console. 
8.2 Plotting Table Tests 
Using the same set up as for the plate carriage tests, a plot of 
the grid intersections was made on the AP-2 coordinatograph at a scale

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