Full text: Commissions II (Cont.) (Part 4)

Interchangeable gear wheels for the transmission of 
X and Y (or Z) to the plotting table, with the rations: 
1:1, 1:2, 2:5 
Interchangeable gear wheels for the height counter, with 
the rations: 
1:1, 4:5, 3:4, 2:3, 1:2, 2:5 
(All ratios are invertible 0 On request, additional 
gear wheels can be supplied) 
Electrical equipment: 
Primary voltages: 
110, 125, 150, 200, 220, 250 V.AC 
Secondary voltages: 
24 V.DC for the electromagnetic drawing point 
6 V for the alarm system and for the picture 
illumination consisting of 4 tubular 
lamps of 6 Y 5 W each for each of the 
two cameras. 
Dimensions : 
Autograph Width: 43 in„ (1090 mm) 
Depth: 43 in. (1090 mm) 
HeightY6l in. (1540 mm) 
Plotting table 
Width: 40 in. 
Depth: 37 in. 
Height: 30 in. 
useful drafting surface: 
(1020 mm) 
( 940 mm) 
( 760 mm) 
27 1/2 in. x 27 1/2 in. 
( 700 mm x 700 mm) 
3. Eields of application 
The domain of short range photogrammetry cannot be 
definitely outlined, due to the manifold possibilités 
of application offered by this branch of stereo- 
photogrammetry. In comparison to other methods of 
measurement, short range photogrammetry has in many 
cases considerable economic advantages. Often it is 
even the only possible method for the rapid recording 
of relatively small objects for subsequent measuring, or 
objects, which may be inaccessible for some reason, 
objects in motion or of a complicated structure, to 
cite a few examples. To this, those objects can be added 
which are to be recorded in the shortest time in their 
entire three dimensional appearance, and where it is not 
y it known at the time the recording takes place, which 
measurements will finally by needed at a later time and 
will therefore have to be made subsequently. 
The instruments described above serve these purposes. 
According to the ranges on which its design was based, 
the C120 Stereometric Camera is especially suited for 
the following principal fields of application:

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