Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

— caculation of provisional coordinates of the point to be adjusted ; 
— formation of the observation equations for planimetry, formation and 
solution of the normal system, calculation of the adjusted planimetric coordinates ; 
— calculation of the adjustment corrections for directions and of the adjust 
ment shiftings. By this name we indicate the distances between the straight lines 
represented by the observation equations and the position of the adjusted point. 
At this step of calculations, an analysis of results is carried out : should some 
adjustment shifting exceed, in its absolute value, the prescribed tolerance, the 
observed direction having the larger adjustment correction is eliminated and the 
calculation is done over egain as from the beginning ; 
— calculation of elevations deriving from each zenith observed distance 
and calculation of the adjusted elevation ; this is obtained as a weighed average of 
the various values calculated taking as weights the quantities inversely proportion 
ate to the distance squares. Here another analysis is carried out, and if the dif 
ference between the adiusted elevation value and that of a single elevation value 
exceeds the tolerance laid down in advance, the value showing the greatest diffe 
rence is eliminated and the adjusted elevation is calculated once again with the re 
maining values ; 
— calculation of coordinates and of the elevation of the trigonometric centre 
if, during the inverse or mixed intersection, the trigonometric station on the point 
to be adjusted results to be out of centre. 
The programs further foresee that of the point to be adjusted we should also 
determine some reference for polar coordinates : if required, therefore, the calcula 
tion continues until all references have been calculated. 
The computer outputs the results in the form of punched cards which are 
listed by means of a tabulating machine. 
The procedure laid down for formulating the data and work them out, is 
very simple : we have prepared a special printed form (see ann. n° 4) which can 
contain both the input data for the calculation of a point, for each type of calcula 
tion program, and the results of the said calculation as well as all other information 
useful for making it a hie document. 
The first page contains information for filing as well as an indication of the calcula 
tion program to be used, the reference number of the point and the necessary conven 
tional data instructing the computer as to the values to be adopted as a false origin 
for the E coordinates and as tolerances for the shiftings in planimetry and elevation. 
Page 2 serves for the cases of direct and mixed intersection : it shows the coor 
dinates of the known station points, the elements for any reductions to the trigo 
nometric centre, the coordinates of the known points collimated for the orientation 
of the trig stations, the azimuthal and zenithal observed directions. 
Page 3 serves for the cases of inverse and mixed intersection and consists of 
elements similar to those of page 2.

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