Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

imited accuracy inherent 
3 is still no rigorous mea- 
altitudes with any desi - 
íes are improved or mo- 
m Altitudes 
tions to the ground pro - 
tion. Such ground elea - 
i by statoscope or alti - 
Such ground profiles 
racy of the ground profi- 
the inherent accuracy of 
~s). It appears that this 
ìetric altitude determina- 
The accuracy for distinct 
a (standard elevation er 
oi the flight altitude the 
d might even exceed the 
;refore, it has to be con- 
high-altitude photogra - 
ir Pictures 
aerial triangulation with 
as the Wild HC 1 Hori - 
ors M tt and M cp in the 
this method is concer - 
s of horizon pictures and 
; to be pointed out that 
mdard errors M w and 
■ry satisfactory accura - 
ss obtained from relative 
m horizon pictures by 
he accuracy of gyro -re- 
to reach an accuracy of 
uracy which is obtained 
curacy aerial triangula - 
urate when compared 
¡curacy gyro-recorded 
iran controlled aerial 
orne and accurate deter- 
Shiran trilatération 
d that this new approach 
:ension and photo map - 
apping missions. 
the base component "by" 
the method. For this 
airborne determination 
of the swing x (bearing) deserves further attention since no entirely satisfactory system exists 
up to date. 
F. The Method with Independent Geodetic Controls. 
This method which is described in [1] and which uses a few independent base lines, 
azimuths and slopes to adjust strip triangulation was subject of further study since 1960 parti 
cularly at The Ohio State University and the University of Illinois (Prof. Karara). Super-long 
strip triangulations performed at The Ohio State University yielded planimetric closure errors 
of 2 to 3" in terms of geographic coordinates. These results are interesting since the method is 
independent of the deflection of the vertical and does not require the existence of a geodetic tri 
angulation network. For this reason it is considered that the method is of considerable potential 
and that the method should be a subject of further study. 
G. The Use of Stabilized Camera Mounts. 
A highly gyro-stabilized camera mount would allow to approach the ideal case of true 
vertical photography which would facilitate the performance and increase the accuracy of aerial 
triangulation. This approach is presently under study by the U. S. Air Force. Due to the poten - 
tial of this approach it appears to be indicated'that further efforts to achieve this goal should be 
[ljA. J. Brandenberger 
[2] A. J. Brandenberger 
[3] G. Hergenhahn : 
[4] G. W. Humbrecht : 
[5J I. G. N. : 
[6] P. Kaasila : 
[ 7] K. G. Löfström : 
[8] W. M. Robson : 
1 Aerial Triangulation with Auxiliary Data ". General Report on Sub 
ject 4 (Aerial Triangulation with Auxiliary Data) Commission III, 
ISP to the International Congress of Photogrammetry, 1960. 
" Photogrammetria " 
1 The Practice of Spatial Aerial Triangulation ". Photogrammetric 
Institute, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, 1951. 
Aerial Triangulation Strip Adjustment According to the Procedure 
Brucklacher ", IBM 1620 Program Library № 9. 7. 805 
A New Approach to Aerial Map Data Acquisition and a Global Ope - 
rational Concept ", " Photogrammetric Engineering ", Sept. 1963 
' Analytical Aerial Triangulation at the I. G.N. ". Prepared for the 
1960 London Congress. 
" Noggrannhetsundersökning av Horizontkameran Wild HC 1 ", Insti 
tute for Photogrammetry, KTH, Stockholm. 
" Publication of the Finnish Geodetic Institute № 46 " 
" The AN/USQ-28 Mapping Survey Sub System " " Photogrammetric 
Engineering ", March, 1962. 
Triangulation aérienne avec des données auxiliaires 
Le rapport présente une synthèse des réponses faites au questionnaire suivant, envoyé 
aux rapporteurs nationaux de la Commission III : 1° - Quelles sortes de données auxiliaires 
utilise-t-on dans votre pays ? - 2° - Quels progrès avez-vous faits à ce sujet depuis 1960 ? - 
3° - Quelles données envisagez-vous d'utiliser ? - 4° - Comment utilisez-vous les données auxi 
liaires ? Distinguer entre triangulation instrumentale et triangulation analytique - 5° - Quels 
éléments de préparation terrestre utilisez-vous pour la compensation ? - 6° - Quelle est la pré 
- 33 —

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