Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

coordinates and elevations of the critical points (the end points of 
the baselines and the points for which the elevation is terrestrially 
determined), the following discrepancies in the quasi-observâtions can 
be determined: 
- s t 
_ s 
A K 
- K T 
- K 
A H 
_ n 
= «V 
Based on the generally accepted assumption that the propagation 
of errors of the various elements of orientation seem to have a 
systematic appearance, it could be deduced that the propagation of 
errors in the quasi-observations is also systematic in appearance.** 
Figure 7 shows schematically the propagation of the errors in the four 
The elements of the quasi-observations, as shown, in Figure 'J, 
are as follows: Initial errors (dS dK , d Cd and d CD) and 
o 7 o ° / O 
differential errors (increments per model) in the quasi-observations 
(Ss,d AK„d/\CO J di'y)- These elements can be determined from 
Figure 7 with the knowledge of the error in the quasi-observations 
(dS| > dS^ ;dK|; dK^ , d (J>| dO^ > d Pi | and diBX)) of the end bases 
B| and as well as representative X values for the two bases 
( X| and ) • 
* could be deduced thru a terrestrially determined distance. 
could be determined thru the terrestrially determined azimuth of 
a line. 
.Q-r-and could be determined thru terrestrial measurements of 
distances and elevations. 
**For details, refer to Bibliography, Entry 5 or 9*

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