Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

Once these elements of the quasi-observations have been determined, 
the adjustment of the X, Y & Z coordinates in the triangulated strip 
can be carried out easily according to the simple formulae given in 
equations 15 thru 20. These equations were deduced by superposition 
of the effects of the errors in the various quasi-observations.* 
2. / W / 3 / . 1 
A Xp = X / c/5 0 - ~~ 
dXc dXo JaX _ dAX z d<t>o Z , d <f>c/X JX 
2 2 /2 £ £ 
4_ x/ z f fS _ dXodAK JaX z c/j> 0 c/v , c/j : 
* x tu Zb + ~4b + 
■Z /-2 
^3 I _ c/x 
-??} + (15) 
av; = x {,/x.J + + Y{JS,-fs} 
+ r {-^~ + xr{£■]. 
AW,- -zps.-sj) +x{-§ ss-u. + 4f} + x{-bt-£] 
+ xr [Zfd +■ Y duj.- ¿¿wj. 
(l 6)** 
* For full details, refer to Bibliography Entry 5 or 9. 
**In all the diagrams and formulae, b is the mean model base length, 
Z is the mean flight height above ground. The elements of the 
orientation are given in the symbols normally used. R is the earth 

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