Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

or, in other words, 
i / z M° Z ( j2 v3 vU p px Y 2 2 
¿V ^ ( 1.25 - gl ♦ Y 2 * ♦ y j 
2[X 2 Y 2 xU+ y U 
+ Cl 2 B*“ 
&V- 5 ig»!> 
Substituting N for X/B and taking into consideration that Y/B = 1.25, 
equation (75) could be modified as follows: 
Z ~7 Z 
flp= Mff-(U.39 +3.9N +5.lS3N 2 -0.625N 3 +0.8125^+0.5859^) • ^ 
_ (U.39 +3.9N +^.l53N 2 -0.62^N 3 +0.8l2^+0.5855^>. 
t Z* 
In equation (76) the term 0.8125 dominates the other terms as 
soon as N gets larger than 5. In the case of N=11 for example, the 
effect of all the other terms combined will be just 0.8$ of the effect 
of the tern 0.8125N (for f=3 in., Z=0.674y, for f=12 in., Z=2.67Y). 
Equation (76) could then be modified to read: 
In other words, we will have: 
/^P = -^-(0.8l25N*). 
jU p =1^(0.90I4N*) 
Considering a bridged distance of length X and spanning N models, 
j~ip in the middle of the bridged distance (corresponding to N/2 
models) could be given as: 
^P„ = i T^(0-2254N Z ). 
At the end of the bridged distance ^Xp would then be 2^Up : 
N • 

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