Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

63 - 
thodes de compensa- 
iréparation à terre 
irrés) en établissant 
nalisés de telle sorte 
de prise de vues pho- 
mations sur lesprin- 
rrain et sur les mé - 
nous allons faire 
es programmes de 
ppoggiato a punti tri- 
alocco di strisciate, 
Lviltà - in cui sia dis- 
;e distribuiti sul ter- 
da almeno due punti 
modello rigido ", a 
e risolvendo in bloc- 
;i comuni delle zone 
:olo elettronico, può 
le della più larga ge- 
on uniformly spaced 
ps is proposed, for 
?e a good deal of re- 
o short sections, in 
lated in a first ap- 
tained from the block 
ghts in the corres- 
electronic computa- 
and has a large field 
Nuove formule per l'aerotriangolazione solare analitica 
L'A. ricorda i procedimenti numerici applicati d'all'Ing. E. Santoni e dal Prof. G. In- 
ghilleri per la realizzazione dell' aerotriangolazione solare di una strisciata aerea, ed espone 
alcune sue idee per la risoluzione analitica del problema medesimo. La formule ricavate dall' 
A. comportano un procedimento operativo molto simile a quello analogico realizzato agli ap 
parati stereorestituri e forniscono nuove prospettive all'applicazione del metodo solare nel cam 
po dei rilevamenti cartografici a media e piccola scala. 
New formulas for the solar analytical aerotriangulation 
The Author recalls the numerical proceedings used by Ing. E. Santoni and by Prof. G. 
Inghilleri for the realisation of the solar aerotraingulation of a strip, and exposes some of this 
ideas for the analytical solution of the problem itself. The formulas obtained by the Author are 
due to an operative proceeding very similar to the analogical one realized by the stereo-plot - 
ters, and furnish new prospects to the application of the solar method in the field of cartogra 
phic surveys at mean and little scale. 
Nouvelles formules pour l'aérotriangulation solaire analytique 
L'auteur rappelle les procédés numériques appliqués par l'Ing. E. Santoni et par le 
Prof. G. Inghilleri pour la réalisation de l'aérotriangulation solaire d'une bande aérienne, et 
expose quelques idées à lui pour la résolution analytique du problème même. Les formules ob 
tenues par l'auteur comportent un procédé opératif très semblable au procédé analogique réa 
lisé avec les appareils stéréorestituteurs et fournissent de nouvelles perspectives à l'applica 
tion de la méthode solaire dans le champ des levés cartographiques à moyenne et petite échelle. 
Expeditions methods of block adjustment used in aerophotogrammetric mapping work 
in Argentina 
Analogical aerial triangulation by Galileo-Santoni Stéreosimplex III 
points trigonomé - 
2 de bandes dans le 
ion - où l'on dispose 
3tribués. En premier 
ent au moins deux 
ition " à modèle ri- 
îsolution en bloc du 
îuns de la zone de 
}ue ; il peut être em- 
gulation analytique, 
Some experiments of semi-analytical aerial triangulation executed with the superwide 
angle Stereosimplex III 
A method is presented of semi-analytical aerial triangulation particularly suitable for 
plotting instruments not meant for bridging. Results are given of practical experiments execu 
ted with the superwide angle Stereosimplex III Santoni. 
The influence of the points distribution in the analytical bridging of strips. Theoretical 
and experimental study. 
The paper deals with the accuracy of the analytical bridging of photograms depending 
upon the number and distribution of points used for the relative orientation and for the scale 
transfer. Several experiments have been carried out for each strip using either 6 or 18 orien 
tation points with different distribution and respectively 1 or 3 and 1 or 6 points for scale trans 
fer. The results have been deduced from the analysis of the residual parallaxes and of the dis 
crepancies of the ground coordinates of those points located in the overlapping zone between 
subsequent models.

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