Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

connecting an object point, Oj , to an exposure station, S^, and inter 
secting the photographic plane (shown in positive position) in the image 
point, Iij. The algebraic equations expressing the straight line 
in space are given by: 
(X r X oi)a i + (Y r Yoi)bi + (Z r Zoi)Ci 
(X r Xoi)di + ( Y r Y oi)e i+ (Z r Zoi)fi 
(X.-X .)a!+(Y.-Y .)b!+(Z.-Z .)c! 
j 01 1 j 01 1 j 01 1 
(x j- x oi )d i +(Y r Y °i )o i +(z r z oi )f i 
• • t A 
where : 
( X, Y ,Z ) j 
the plate coordinates of the image point, I — 
the focal length of the camera lens 
the three coordinates of the object point, 0•, 
in a space coordinate system J 
(X 0 ,Y 0 ,Z q )£ the three coordinates of the exposure station, 
S^, in the same space coordinate system

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