Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

(7) Steps (1) through (6) are repeated until the discrepancies among the 
sub-blocks and between them and the control reach preassigned values 
depending on the required level of accuracy. 
The transformation equations used in this section allow for shift, 
rotation and scale-change of each sub-block. They are linear in terms of 
the unknown coefficients and, therefore, they do not impose any deformations 
on the three-dimensional model representing the sub-block. Under certain 
circumstances, errors in sub-block relative orientation may introduce small 
deformations in the sub-block which cannot be removed by equation 4.36. 
Consequently, non-linear three-dimensional transformations would be required 
for such cases. In the following section an attempt is made to implement 
equation 4.36 by including higher degree terms, 
(3 9 ) 
4.4.2 Three-Dimensional Transformation of Higher Degree * 
It has been the general practice in analytical photogrammetry to 
separate the horizontal adjustment from the adjustment of heights. The only 
simultaneous three-dimensional transformation in current use is the one 
expressed by formula 4.32. This formula represents linear conformal trans 
formation, which transforms small local elements without deformation. 
Conformal transformations are generally preferred for this kind of applica 
tion because of that property. 
( 9 ) 
Attempts have been made independently by the author and 
Schut^ 10 ^ to develop formulae for simultaneous three-dimensional conformal 
transformation with terms of higher than first degree. However, it has been 
found that all terms of second and higher degrees do not exist for the 
three-dimensional case (although they exist for the four-dimensional case. 
See reference 9). For this reason, a new set of equations for non-linear 
three-dimensional transformation, that is as nearly conformal as possible, 
is developed next. 
The general form of the equations for the second-degree three- 
dimensional transformation between two systems (u, v, w) and (U, V, W), 
is given by:

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