z 2
d i
t Q>
Fig. 1.
Fig. 2.
Aeronivellement with statoscop
On p 137 in [4] v Gruber says: If we want to have a model free
from parallaxes we have to change the ip-tilt for the preceding photo
graph, as soon as distortion gives a convergence error or if there are
small errors in the statoscope heights.
Nothing is said about the influence of the curvature of the earth.
Bridging with statoscope and horizon photographs
The absolute tilts from the horizon photographs are inserted in the
At the end of the treatise (p. 139) v Gruber writes: »Durch die
absolute Orientierung der Aufnahmen auf Grund der Horizontbilder
ist nicht nur der Einfluss der Erdkrümmung, sondern auch jeder
andere systematische Konvergenzfehler von vornherein ausgeschaltet.
Das einzelne Teilmodell zeigt keine systematischen Verbiegungen
mehr, ...»
On the contrary the nadir directions will be parallell, each model
obtains a divergence error of y = and a corresponding model de
Convergence errors as a result of the curvature of the earth.
In the littérature we often (see for instance [3]) find the opinion
that the curvature of the earth causes a convergence error and a defor
mation of the single model.
A model free from vertical parallaxes has no deformation in the ideal
case. The convergence angle between the nadir directions is true and
thus the stereo model is conform to the object.
The curvature of the earth has on the whole nothing to do with the
performance of the relative orientation, thus it cannot cause a con
vergence error or a model deformation.