Full text: Commissions III (Part 5)

(9) The accuracies achieved indicate that the horizon camera could provide 
useful data for large scale mapping. 
(10) The vertical accuracy of elevations established in aerial triangulation is 
not materially influenced by the length of the strip. 
(11) The capital acquisition costs of the horizon camera and statoscope are 
relatively modest, and the equipment can be installed in a small aircraft. 
(12) The operation of the equipment is simple, and the instruments are very 
reliable and virtually free from breakdowns. 
1. Gruber, Oi v., "Horizontbilder und ihre Verwendung." Phot'ia 1940, 
p. 61 - 70. 
2. Helava, U.V., "Horizon Camera Method," Can. Surveyor, XIII, 8, 1957. 
3. Löfström, K.G., "Horizontkontrollierte Aeropolygonierung." Pubi. No. 46, 
Finn. Geod. Inst. 1955. 
4. Mikhail, E.M., "Simultaneous Three-Dimensional Transformation of Higher 
Degrees," To be published in Photo. Eng., July 1964. 
5. Schermerhom, W., "History and Development of Aerial Triangulation," 
Rivista dell'Istituto Geografico Militare, Ottobre 1960 
(Numero Speciale). 
6. Therrien, J.J., "A Simultaneous Section Adjustment for Small Computers," 
The Canadian Surveyor, December 1963 0 
7. Zarzycki, J.M., "Super-Infragon Photography and Auxiliary Data on a Mapping 
Program for Nigeria," The Canadian Surveyor, March 1963. 
8. Zarzycki, J.M., "New Aerial Triangulation Techniques Employed on a Mapping 
Project in Nigeria," Photogrammetric Engineering, July 1963 

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