Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

The Geographical Survey of Norway 
The Norwegian Polar Institute 
The Ministry of Agriculture 
The Governmental Road Directorate and 
by the following private firms: 
Fjellangers Oppmâling og Luftkartlegging 
Wider0es Flyveselskap a/s 
Viak a/s 
Norkart a/s 
Nerdrums Oppmâling 
Norsk Oppmâling og Luftkartlegging 
Bloms Oppmâling 
Hovets Oppmâling 
D. Equipment and Methods 
The institutions and private firms in Norway working 
with photogrammetry, have the following equipment at their 
5 Wild A 7 1 Santoni Stereosimplex III d 
25 Wild A 8 2 Santoni II G 
19 Wild B 8 1 Zeiss, Jena C III 
7 Wild A 6 1 Kern PG 2 
2 Wild A 5 1 Zeiss Stereoautograph 
1 Zeiss Stereoplanigraph C 4 
4 Balplex plotters 
4 Zeiss Stereotop 
1 Watts Radial Line Plotter 
1 Zeiss Radialsecator 
Aerotriangulation is applied for establishing control points 
for maps on the scale 1/5 000—1/50 000. Maps on the scale 
1/500—1/2 000 are mainly based on control points established 
by classical methods, using triangulation, traverse and levelling. 
The map production is based on stereocompilation, and 
plotting instruments used are of first and second order. First 
order instruments are mainly used for determination of con 
trol points and large map scales.

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