Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

points are then punched onto eight-channel 
paper tape as X- F-coordinates. 
An underwater panoramic camera covers a 
38X120 degree field in water by employing a 
water-contact lens system where the front 
element forms the window through which the 
remaining lens elements scan. The lens re 
solves 50 lines per millimeter at the center 
with an aperture of f/2.4. 
The Variscale Stereo Point Marking In 
strument (VSPMI) permits the identification, 
selection and marking of conjugate image 
points on stereo pairs of aerial photographs. 
Input may be photographic plates of him, up 
to 9-2-X18 inches. It can be used to transfer 
points from one photograph to corresponding 
imagery on the second photograph of the 
same terrain. One or both photographs of the 
stereo pair can be marked. A unique precision 
marking system molds a mark into the him 
emulsion without destroying or changing 
surrounding imagery. Mark intensity and 
contrast can be varied by the operator. The 
marking system accuracy is within 1 micron 
standard error. The output, in addition to the 
marked photographs, consists of an IBM 526 
card, automatically punched with coarse co 
ordinates of the marked points as well as 
other pertinent data. 
A system was designed for the estab 
lishment of area control adequate for me 
dium-large scale mapping. The measuring 
techniques on precision comparators and the 
adjustment programs were developed and 
tested in the Coast and Geodetic Survey, 
using an uncontrolled 60 by 70-kilometer test 
area in the southeast corner of Kansas, 
bounded by arcs of hrst-order triangulation. 
A block aerotriangulation was performed 
successfully and proved that large areas can 
be bridged to provide positions for any num 
ber of intermediate points well within the 
accuracy required for most mapping. 
Propagation of the errors in a three-dimen 
sional satellite triangulation adjustment was 
studied by means of a numerical model using 
fictitious data. The fictitious triangulation 
net consisted of five camera stations forming 
three triangles. The average length of the 
sides was about 1,500 kilometers. An error of 
±0.2 second was introduced into the ori 
entation element of the camera axes, and an 
error of ±2 microns was introduced into the 
plate coordinates. The results from several 
adjustments showed that the absolute posi 
tions of the unknown stations could be deter 
mined to better than 1/200,000. 
During a study for the development of 
Objective Color Sensors, experiments were 
performed in order to determine the quanti 
tive stereoscopic effect obtained from ex 
aggerating the differential refraction of light 
frequencies in the visible spectrum. 
Analytical triangulation of Lunar Orbiter 
Photographs included the analysis of the 
nonlinearities in the transmitted Lunar Or 
biter photographs and the development of tech 
niques and computer programs to produce 
control data for the production of lunar maps. 
A precise block aerotriangulation project 
determined the relative movement between 
50 well defined points within a 2 by 5-kilo 
meter rectangular area in the city of An 
chorage, Alaska, with the highest possible 
precision. The relative movement to be deter 
mined is that of the earth’s surface and the 
technique for accomplishing it is through 
repetitive photography spaced at time inter 
vals of 3 to 5 years. The photography is made 
at the lowest practical altitude (0.9 km) to at 
tain maximum accuracy (approximately 7 
cm) in three dimensional measurement. 
On June 23, 1966 PAGEOS, a near polar 
earth orbiting satellite of the balloon type 
was launched for the purpose of providing a 
photographic target for the three-dimensional 
determination of the figure of the earth. The 
height of its near circular orbit is such that 
strong geometric figures are attainable using 
approximately 44 locations on land areas of 
the earth’s surface. This is a part of a coopera 
tive national geodetic satellite program. 
ECHO I and ECHO II are being used in a 
similar manner for shorter lines, to provide 
control for continental networks; 21 stations 
in North America were established success 
fully. The photogrammetric technique em 
ploy specially modified BC-4 cameras. 
A set of six boresighted cameras was used 
as a multi-sensor system with combinations of 
films and filters to evaluate natural resources. 
Emphasis concentrated on water pollution 
studies, over controlled nutrient ponds; on 
engineering applications; and on agricultural 
Annually some 40 stock piles are inven 
toried photogrammetrically for volume deter 
mination. For several years, conventional 
contours planimetered for area were used to 
compute volume areas. In more recent years, 
digital cross-sections and electronic computa 
tion have been employed. Ten coal piles of 
approximately 40 acres and 750,000 tons 
each, plus approximately 40 large piles of 
bulk chemicals, have been involved. 
A double-projection photogrammetric 
plotter equipped with a coordinatograph was 
used to determine state plane coordinates of

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