Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

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Photogrammetry in Civil Engineering and Industry. 
K. Kasamatsu, K. Nakamura, M. Yamakami and H. Tanabe, "Determination of 
both Wind Velocity and Directions through Synchronous Stereo-Photographs 
taken of Smoke Trail." Paper presented at the Comm. V, I.S. P. Symposium, 
Tokyo, 1966. 
R. Kamiya, T. Takahashi and K. Tanaka. 
"Current Survey of Use of Air Photographs" Journal of The Japan Society of 
Photogrammetry (J. S. P. ) Vol. 5, No. 3 and No. 4, 1966. 
K. Kasamatsu. "Contour Map of the Waves. " 
Jounal of J. S. P. Vol. 4, No. 4, 1965. 
R. Kinoshita. "An Analysis of the Movement of Flood Waters by Aerial photography, 
concerning characteristics of Turbulence and Surface Flow. " 
Journal of J.S.P. Vol. 6, No.l 1967. 
M. Fuchimoto and K. Tanaka. "Dye Diffusion Experiments in the Ocean by Use of 
Aerial Photography. " Journal of J. S. P. Vol. 1, No.l, 1968. 
Kokusai Aerial Survey Co. Ltd. "Report on Measurement of Ship position in harbour. " 
Report of Kokusai Aerial Survey Co. Ltd. 
Meteorological Research Institute. "Report on Measurement of Violent Air Current 
around Mt. Fuji. " Report of the Meteorological Research Institute. 
T. Maruyasu, T. Oshima, K. Ono and K. Sugiura. 
"The Determination of the Vertical Clearance of an Electric Cable over the 
Sea by photogrammetry. " Journal of J. S. P. Vol. 4, No. 2, 1965. 
S. Miyamoto and U. Kurimoto. "General Concepts of the Passing Distance by 
Helicopter." Journal of J. S. P. Vol. 4, No. 4, 1965. 
S. Miyamoto and H. Takada. "Traffic Survey by Aerial Photographs in Sappora. " 
Journal of J. S.P. Vol. 5, No.l, 19 6 6. 
H. Nakamura. "A photogrammetric Technique applied to Making Highway 
Perspective Drawings. " Paper presented at the Comm. V, I. S.P. Symposium, 
Tokyo, Oct. 1966. 
S. Kurihara and I. Tashiro. "Application to Route Surveying of Railway by the large 
Scale Mapping. " Journal of J. S. P. Vol. 6, No. 4, 1967. 
H. Morito and K. Shimazaki. "A Method for Route Location and project Design 
induced from Combination of Computer with Contoured Orthophoto or Topo. 
Map." Paper presented at the Comm. V, I. S.P. Symposium Tokyo, 19 66. 
T. Goda, T. Sueishi and S. Teranishi. "Urban Run off Calculation using the Basic 
Run off Rato. " Transactions of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers No. 148, 
Dec. 1967. 
S. Okuda. "Measurement of Gravel Distribution in the River gerearated in case of 
Uetsu Disaster by method of model plane. " 
Annual Report of Inst. Prevention Disaster, Kyoto Univ. Oct. 1967.

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