Report on TERRA
J Williams, London
Spot levels are taken at random in a first-order stereoplotting
machine. It is convenient to take points along lines parallel
to one axis of the machine but the spacing of the points and the
lines can be at random. The density of points depends on the na
ture of the terrain and the accuracy that is required in the cal
culations, but 40 points per acre is typical. The programs con
vert the plotting machine co-ordinates to ground co-ordinates
and they will interpolate the levels along any specified section
line. This enables cross-sections to be derived along any high
way line, from which the volume of earthworks can be calculated.
The system will plot cross-sections of the cuttings or embank
ments superimposed on the ground section, in addition to plans
of the highway, large-scale outlines of plans of structures, and
contours over the zone of interest within which the highway is
to be located.