At the X International Congress of Photogrammetry
in Lissabon the administration of Commission VI was en -
trusted to Poland. In the previous period the work of
this Commission was directed excellently by Prof.Dr.S.Ha
lo nen from the Finnish Society of Photogrammetry.
The Polish Society of Photogrammetry has appointed
Prof.W.Sztompke as president and Dr.A.Linsenbarth as se
cretary of the Commission.
We would like to mention here, that already in the
prewar period, namely in the years 1934-1938 Poland toge
ther with Hungary has conducted works corresponding to
the tasks of the actual Commission VI; Prof.K.Weigel was
in that time the president of the Commission.
The resolutions of the Lissabon Congress served as
a guide to the activity of the Commission in the period
Resolutions of the Lissabon Congress.
The following resolutions were presented in Lissabon
and afterwards adopted by correspondence:
VI.1. The work on photogrammetric terminology shall be con
tinued by preparing special terminologies for those
branches of photogrammetry where clarification of
terminology is most urgently needed particularly in
the areas of differential rectification and automa
tion. Commission VI shall establish working groups
as required to prepare the special terminologies .
VI.2. It is propo-sed that Commission VI should continue
the work to stabilize the terminology for theory of
errors in photogrammetry. Contact should be taken
with statistical and other international organ!za -
tions in the science of measurment in order to try
to arrive at a common glossary.
Until a common glossary is agreed upon it is pro -
posed that the actual glossary presented at this
Congress be accepted.