Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 2)

Canadian National Report for the XI International Congress for Photogrammetry 
(1) Lyons, E. H. Recent Developments in 70 mm 
Stereo Photography from Helicopters. Photo- 
grammetric Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5, Septem 
ber 1964. 
(2) Cameron, H. L. Ice-Cover Surveys in the Gulf 
of St. Lawrence by Radar. Photogrammetric 
Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5, September 1964. 
(3) Konecny, G. and E. E. Derenyi. Geometry of 
Infrared Imagery. The Canadian Surveyor, Vol, 
XVIII, No. 4, September 1964. 
(4) Morrison, A. and M. C. Chown. Photographs 
of the Western Sahara from the Mercury MA-4 
Satellite. Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 
31, No. 2, March 1965. 
(5) Konecny, G. and E. E. Derenyi. Infrared Scan 
Geometry. Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 
32, No. 5, September 1966. 
(6) Preston, T. A. Chronocyclegraphy with a Pin 
hole Polaroid Camera. Photogrammeric Engin 
eering, Vol. 33, No. 3, March 1967. 
(7) Sayn-Wittgenstein, L. and A. H. Aldred. Reflec 
tions in the Water. Photogrammetric Engineer 
ing, Vol. 33, No. 11, November 1967. 
(8) Whitcher, G. H. Canada’s Air Photo Library. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 5, 
September 1965. 
(9) Walker, Lloyd. Modern Processing for Air- 
Photo Interpretation. Second Symposium on Air- 
Photo Interpretation, March 1967. 
(10) Walker, Lloyd. Evaluation of Aerial Film Pro 
cessing — The Rewind Method versus Continu 
ous Processing. Report, Air Photo Unit, Depart 
ment of Energy, Mines and Resources No. 2, 
August 1967. 
(11) Fleming, J. F. Solution to a Routine Problem 
in Air Survey Navigation. The Canadian Sur 
veyor, Vol. XIX, No. 2, June 1965. 
(12) Angus-Leppan, P. V. Diurnal and Seasonal 
Variations in the Coefficient of Refraction. The 
Canadian Surveyor, Vol. XXI, No. 2, June 1967. 
(13) Carman, P. D. Causes of Dimensional Chang 
es in Estar Base Aerial Film under Simulated 
Service Conditions (Submitted as a presented 
paper to the Congress). The Canadian Surveyor, 
Vol. XXII, No. 2, June 1968. 
(14) Carman, P. D. and W. N. Charman. Detection, 
Recognition, and Resolution in Photographic 
Systems. Journal of the Optical Society of Am 
erica, Vol. 54, No. 9, September 1964. 
(15) Charman, W. N. Spatial Frequency Spectra and 
Other Properties of Conventional Resolution 
Targets. Photographic Science & Engineering, 
Vol. 8, No. 5, September-October 1964. 
(16) Charman, W. N. Resolving Power and the De 
tection of Linear Detail. The Canadian Sur 
veyor Vol. XIX, No. 2, June 1965. 
(17) Charman, W. N. and A. Olin. Image Quality 
Criteria for Aerial Camera Systems. Photogra 
phic Science & Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 6, Nov- 
ember-December 1965. 
(18) Jackson, K. B. Image Motion Nomograph. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 2, 
March 1966. 
(19) Fleming, E. A. Solar Altitude Nomograms. 
Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 31, No. 4, 
July 1965. 
(20) Carman, P. D. Cameras, Films and Camera 
Mounts. Second Symposium on Air-Photo Inter 
pretation, March 1967. 
(21) Aldred, A. H. Wind-Sway Error in Parallax 
Measurements of Tree Height. Photogrammetric 
Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 5, September 1964. 
(22) Konecny, G. Interior Orientation and Con 
vergent Photography. Photogrammetric Engin 
eering, Vol. 31, No. 4, July 1965. 
(23) Chrzanowski, A., E. E. Derenyi and P. Wilson. 
Underground Survey Measurements — Research 
for Progress. The Canadian Mining and Metal 
lurgical Bulletin, June 1967. 
(24) Schut, G. H. and M. C. van Wijk. The Deter 
mination of Tree Heights from Parallax Mea 
surements. The Canadian Surveyor, Voi. XIX, 
No. 5, December 1965. 
(25) Radar Altimeter Developed by NRC Uses Pulse 
Peak Measuring Technique, Electronics and 
Communication, March 1967. 
(26) Monaghan, B. Terrestrial Photogrammetry Ap 
plied to Architecture. M. S. Thesis, October 
1967, Department of Photogrammetry, Laval 
University, Quebec. 
(27) van Wijk, M. C. Photogrammetry Applied to 
Avalanche Studies. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 
6, 1967. 
(28) Konecny, G. Survey of Educational Facilities 
for Photogrammetry in Canada. The Canadian 
Surveyor, Voi. XVIII, No. 4, September 1964. 
(29) NRC National Science Library. Union List of 
Scientific Serials in Canadian Libraries, Second 
Edition, 1967. 
(30) National Advisory Committee on Control Sur 
veys and Mapping and The Canadian Institute 
of Surveying. Second Colloquium on Survey 
Education in Canada. The Canadian Surveyor, 
Voi. XXI, No. 1, March 1967. 
(31) Brandenberger, A. J. Close-Range Photogram 
metry Applied to Space Sciences. Paper pre 
sented at the Commission V ISP Symposium, 
Tokyo, 1966. 
(32) Konecny, G. The Application of the Stereo 
metric Camera to Structural Engineering. Photo 
grammetric Engineering, Vol. 31, January 1965. 
(33) Konecny, G. Applications of Photogrammetry 
to Surveys of Glaciers in Canada and Alaska. 
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 3, 
(34) Konecny, G. Glacial Photogrammetry. Hand 
buch der Vermessungskunde (Jordan-Eggert- 
Kneissl), Voi. За, 10th edition, Section 126, 
Stuttgart, 1968. 
(35) van Wijk, M. C. Discussion Paper. ‘Water 
Depths From Aerial Photography’, by G. C. 
Tewinkel. Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. 
30, July 1964.

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