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méthode d’étude et de comparaison des régions arides ressemble par certains côtés au système
britannique des "Land System".
N’oublions évidemment pas de signaler la parution, un peu tardive, des Actes de la
réunion tenue par l’UNESCO à Toulouse en 1964 :
... "integrated surveys have been the object of keen interest from the side of the ITC, where
also the ITC-UNESCO courses on integrated survey are given. It became evident in 1964 during
the earlier-mentioned conference in Toulouse that the methods and principles of integrating
aerial natural resources studies are still insufficiently known. The ITC therefore has since
embarked on a programme of study with the aim to contribute to the efficient organization of
future integrated surveys. Experience in integrated survey has furthermore been gained by
H. Th. VERSTAPPEN during his UNESCO-assignment in Pakistan" ... (Rapport des Pays-Bas).
Imprimerie de l'INSTITUT GEOGRAPHIQUE NATIONAL (Paris - France)
Dépôt légal 2 e trimestre 1968