Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

I. Introduction 1 
II. Instruments with direct optical projection 1 
1. Double Projector DP. 1 (Zeiss Ob.) 2 
2. Spatial simulator t. 900 SFOM 3 
3. Orthophotograph t. 693 SFOM 5 
4. Orthographic third projector t. 910 SFOM 6 
5. Development in the USA 6 
III. Instruments with mechanical projection 7 
1. Stereotrigomat (Zeiss Jena) 7 
2. Planimat (Zeiss Ob.) 9 
3. Wild Autograph A10 10 
4. Kern PG3 - Precision Plotter 14 
5. Analogue Stereoplotter RA/lI OMI-Nistri 16 
6. Topocart (Zeiss Jena) 19 
7. Medium Scale Plotter (Japan) 20 
IV. New accessories and improvements of existing 23 
mechanical restitution instruments 
1. Kern PG2 23 
2. Stereometrograph D (Zeiss Jena) 26 
3. Wild Aviographs B8 and B9 26 
V. New comparators and point transfer devices 27 
1. Monocomparator TA l/P OMI-Nistri 27 
2. Kern Monocomparator MK1 28 
3. Point marking instrument Kern PMG1 29 

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