Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

Optimum equipment as used herein denote those that are: 
a. Most economical in terms of incremental costs, or, in other words, 
the "net additional drain. " Included are cost: of equipment; of materials ex 
penditure; of physical plant required; of recruiting and/or training personnel; 
of installing and testing; of altering techniques and methods; of replacing ob 
solete items; and others. 
b. Most economical in terms of time (included are times of transferring 
operations to new equipment, techniques and methods; times of increasing or 
decreasing actual operating efforts; and times of procuring and replacing 
c. Most effective in performance, flexibility, modularity, self-calibra 
tion, convenience, simplicity, versatility, safety, environmental compensation, 
human engineering and reliability capabilities. 
d. Most economical in use of effective manpower resources (for instance, 
number of personnel to be used, and skills available). 
Anticipated requirements as used herein include: 
a. The capability to produce new types of products (for example, new in 
format, characteristic and/or use). 
b. The capability to produce products more economically (from the 
standpoint of costs and time). 
c. The capability to produce products of greater accuracy, detail and/or 
The expressions "objectives” and "criteria"as used herein are defined 
in terms of the Elements primarily concerned with photogrammetric equipment, 
techniques and methods; namely, the user; the researcher and developer; the 
manufacturer; the educator; and the pertinent technical society(s). Objectives 
include tasks, missions or desirable achievements. Criteria are concerned 
with achievement-of-objectives in terms of costs (in other words, effectiveness 
per cost). 
Examples of basic "objectives" which may be deemed pertinent to each 
Element follow: 
a. User's Objectives: to acquire and utilize optimum equipment, tech 
niques and methods in order to meet present and anticipated requirements. 
b. Researcher's and Developer's Objectives: to improve and refine 
existing equipment, techniques and methods; to improve efficiency through im 
provements in the effectiveness of the prime system, procurement resources 
and operating personnel; to develop optimum equipment, techniques and methods 
to meet anticipated user requirements; to obtain the maximum results from

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