Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

(1) It will handle various focal lengths and tips and tilts (it is not 
mechanically limited); it has an optical zoom magnification capability; and the 
plotting output scales are variable. 
(2) Mathematical corrections can be made for lens distortion, film 
shrinkage, atmospheric refraction, earth curvature, and arbitrary model defor 
mations . 
(3) Numerical least squares solutions are provided for inner, relative, 
and absolute orientations. 
(4) It utilizes a new microcircuit control computer with magnetic core 
b. Automated, Analytical Stereoplotter, AS-11B-1. The AS-1 IB-1 plotter 
has the same capabilities as the AS-11A plotter referred to above, but with addi 
tional capabilities of performing automatic contouring and profiling in any direction 
of the model. 
c. Automated, Analytical Stereoplotter, AS-11B. This model has the same 
capabilities as the AS-11B-1 except with a smaller format size and smaller optical 
magnification range. 
d. Automated, Analytical Stereoplotter, AS-11C (with Magnetic Tape Unit, 
AS-11C/TU). The AS-11C plotter has the same characteristics as Model AS-11B, 
but in addition, is capable of producing orthophotographs with associated hypso- 
line contour plots automatically and simultaneously. The AS-11C/TU plotter 
performs model digitizing on magnetic tape as well. 
e. Automatic Analog Analytical Stereoplotter, Model CAD (Chart Analysis 
Device) with and without an Optical Orthoprinter Capability. The model CAD has 
been developed to compile and revise maps and charts. 
(1) An electronic scanning correlator permits automatic contouring 
and profiling and assists in the orientation process. Provision is made to drive 
an optical orthoprinter automatically if desired. The orthoprinter has high res 
olution and dynamic range and may be used to produce color orthophotographs. 
(2) The plotter is capable of introducing horizontal and vertical earth 
curvature corrections; it has a display unit for coordinates; it incorporates an 
electronic analog computer into a viewer; it utilizes dials for the setting and 
reading of orientation elements and other parameters; its plotting table is placed 
in a slanted position to save space; it is equipped with a Vetropolo slewing control; 
and the principal point can be offset from the center of the stage up to the full 
format size. 
(3) The plotter can handle a range of focal lengths, format sizes, 
and tips and tilts; optical magnification range capabilities are provided. 
(4) The plotter is capable of a direct continuous reading of model

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