Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

b. Die erste Operation ist die Abbildung eines Gegen 
standes mittels Zentralprojektion und gehört zum Auf 
gabenbereich der Kommission I. Ein bisher nicht befriedi 
gend gelöstes Problem ist die partielle oder vollständige 
Kalibrierung von Kammern für die verschiedenen Zwecke 
(insbesondere auch für Nah-, Mikro-, Röntgenaufnahmen 
etc.) unter Arbeitsbedingungen. 
Die Feststellung der geometrischen Qualität der Bild 
koordinaten ist ein gemeinsames Problem aller Mess 
bilder, da die gesamte Photogrammetrie auf diesen Koor 
dinaten beruht. Gemäss Resolution 1:4 des X. IGP- 
Kongresses sollen Toleranzen aufgestellt werden. 
c. Die zweite grundlegende Operation der Photogram 
metrie ist die Rekonstruktion des idealen Aufnahme- 
Strahlenbündels; sie gehört zum Aufgabenbereich der 
Kommission II und III. Die Qualität der Operation bei 
verschiedenen Geräten und Methoden soll untersucht 
werden. Auch hierfür müssen Toleranzen aufgestellt wer 
Statistische Tests über die Verteilung von Restfehlern 
werden allgemein durchgeführt, da sie von grundsätzlicher 
Bedeutung für Toleranz-Kriterien verschiedener Art sind.” 
In English these recommendations can be expressed as 
“This working group, the activity of which is of im 
portance also for the Commissions I, III, IV, and VI, shall 
henceforth belong to Commission II. It shall treat the 
basic principles upon which photogrammetry is founded. 
a. The basic concepts and the terminology for the quality 
problems of photogrammetry must be clarified. For this 
continuation of the work performed up to now, the 
cooperation with all members of the ISP is necessary and 
Further the fundamental operations of photogrammetry 
shall be investigated with respect to quality. 
b. The first operation is the imaging of an object in 
central projection and belongs to the scope of Commission 
I. A problem which so far has not been satisfactorily 
solved is the partial and complete calibration of cameras 
for different purposes (in particular also for close up-, 
micro-, X-ray-photography, etc.) under operational condi 
The determination of the geometrical quality of image 
coordinates is a common problem of all survey photo 
graphs, because all photogrammetry is founded upon these 
coordinates. According to Resolution I: 4 of the X. ISP- 
Congress tolerances shall be established. 
c. The second fundamental operation of photogram 
metry is the reconstruction of the ideal bundles of rays at 
the moment of exposure; 
it belongs to the scope of the Commissions II and III. 
The quality of the operation of different instruments and 
methods shall be investigated. Also here tolerances must 
be established. 
Statistical tests of the distribution of residuals are 
generally performed, because they are of basic importance 
for tolerance criterions of various kinds.” 
The activity of the working group has primarily been 
arranged in accordance with the resolutions and recom 
mendations quoted. In addition some calibrations and 
tests of instruments and devices for the measurement of 
image coordinates and parallaxes (primarily comparators 
and parallax bars) have been performed and the results 
will be briefly reported. 
Finally, some principles of a new device for testing the 
geometrical quality of stereoscopic setting will be presented. 
This device may be used for investigations of the stereo 
scopic acuity of operators, and for detailed investigations 
of the relation between the quality mentioned and the 
circumstances under which this quality is measured. 
First, reference is made to the resolution No. 2 of Com 
mission VI at the Lisbon Congress in 1964 quoted above, 
page 7. At the meeting in Bad Godesberg in 1966 it was 
decided that the president of Commission VI should con 
tact the International Association of Geodesy (I.A.G.) 
and the Fédération Internationale des Géomètres (F.I.G.) 
in order to establish cooperation between these organiza 
tions and the I.S.P. 
The Intercommissional working group of I.S.P. was 
asked to work out a brief summary of the principles of the 
basic concepts and terminology for geometrical quality 
as given in the report “Glossary of some terms and ex 
pressions used in the theory of errors of photogrammetry” 
which was presented at the Lisbon Congress in 1964, Ref. 
2: 1. This summary should also include a concentrated list 
of terms and expressions for geometrical quality to be 
distributed to all national societies of photogrammetry, all 
reporters of Commission VI, I.S.P. and individuals. 
Such a summary was presented under the title: “Proposal 
for standardization of some terms and expressions for 
geometrical quality in photogrammetry”, and was distrib 
uted in May 1966 in accordance with the recommenda 
tions from Bad Godesberg. Answers were requested before 
Oct. 1, 1966. If no answer was received, this was regarded 
as agreement with the proposal. 
Next a brief summary of the most important terms for 
geometrical quality in photogrammetry will be made.

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