Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

Öland Test Field 1965 and 1966 
Öland Test Field 1965 and 1966 
dr'micron Aviogon 29 
Fig. 3.11: 7. Empirical radial distortion curves of aerial photo 
graphs from partial calibrations in 1965 and 1966. Flying alti 
tude 1300 meters, polyester base. Corrections applied for the 
influences of atmospheric refraction and earth’s curvature. The 
number of independent tests is indicated by the figures within 
parentheses. In 1965 the grid (circle) method was used and in 
1966 the radial distortion was determined with a fifth-order 
polynomial. In the latter case all image coordinates were re 
garded to be of equal weight. The dotted lines indicate the stan 
dard errors of the radial distortion amounts. The dashed lines 
indicate the radial distortion of the lenses, according to labora 
tory calibrations. Ref. 3: 2 and A. Morén. 
dr'micron Universal Aviogon 281 
Fig. 3.11: 9. Empirical radial distortion curves of aerial photo 
graphs from partial calibrations in 1965 and 1966 under condi 
tions similar to those described in Fig. 3.11: 7. 
Partial calibration 
Radial distortion curves 
Otand test field 1966 
Camera 2108 
Öland Test Field 1965 and 1966 
dr'micron Aviogon 41 
Fig. 3.11: 8. Empirical radial distortion curves of aerial photo 
graphs from partial calibrations in 1965 and 1966 under condi 
tions similar to those described in Fig. 3.11: 7. 
dr',um Camera 2118 
+ Radial distortion according to the grid method. 
S'q Standard error of unit weight according to 
the grid method 
Fig. 3.11: 10. Empirical radial distortion curves of aerial photo 
graphs from partial calibrations. Aerial photography by Geo- 
dfetisk Institut in Copenhagen with Zeiss RMK Pleogon c = 
153 mm from the flying altitude 1500 meters on Cronar film. 
The calculations were performed with 
a) The grid (circle) method. The crosses indicate the radial 
distortion amounts and a' 0 indicates the standard error of unit 
weight of each circle combination. 
b) The polynomial method for the determination of the radial 
distortion. The fully drawn lines indicate the radial distortion 
according to this method. The standard errors of unit weight 
according to this method are 4.4 ¡um for camera 2108 and 4.7 
¡um for the camera 2118. The root mean square values of the 
standard errors of unit weight according to the method a) were 
found to be 4.0 and 4.5 ¡um respectively. The agreement between 
the two methods is consequently very good. When the method 
b) is applied all image coordinates are assumed to be of equal 

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