Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

triangulation. ITC publication A 40, Summer 
[31] M. Kusch, Beitrag zur analytischen Block 
triangulation mit mittelschnellen Reche 
nautomaten. Presented paper, Lausanne 
[32] D. K. Faddeev and V. N. Faddeeva, Com 
putational methods of linear algebra. W. H. 
Freeman and Co., 1963. 
[33] R. S. Varga, Matrix iterative analysis. Pren 
tice-Hall, Inc., 1962. 
[34] A. Ralston and H. S. Wilf, Mathematical 
methods for digital computers. Wiley, 1960. 
[35] C. W. B. King, A method of block adjust 
ment. The Photogrammetric Record 5: 29, 
April 1967. 
[36] C. W. B. King, Programming considerations 
for adjustment of aerial triangulation. Paper 
presented at the International Symposium on 
Spatial Aerotriangulation, Urbana, March 
1966. To be published in Photogrammetria. 
[37] G. Kupfer, Eine umfassende Blockausglei 
chung unter Verwendung verknüpfter Hel 
mert-Transformationen. B. tend L. 34: 4, 
Dec. 1966. 
[38] G. H. Schut, Practical methods of analytical 
block adjustment for strips, sections, and 
models. The Can. Surveyor 18: 5, Dec. 1964. 
[39] G. H. Schut, Polynomial transformation of 
strips versus linear transformation of models: 
a theory and experiments. Paper presented 
at the International Symposium on Spatial 
Aerotriangulation, Urbana, March 1966. To 
be published in Photogrammetria. 
[40] H. F. Soehngen, C. C. Tung, and L. W. 
Leonard, Investigation of block adjustments 
of the ITC block using sections and the 
iterative and direct solutions of the normal 
equation system. Civil Eng. Studies, Photogr. 
Series 8, Univ. of Illinois. 
[41] J. Somogyi, An interpolation method for 
strip adjustment. The Can. Surveyor 20: 1, 
March 1966. 
[42] G. Alpar and J. Somogyi, Common adjust 
ment of two parallel strips. Acta Geod., 
Geophys. et Mont., Acad. Sei. Hung. 1, 1966. 
[43] G. Galvenius, Principles of block adjustment 
of aerial triangulation. Photogrammetria 19: 
8, 1962-64. 
[44] C. M. A. Van den Hout, The Anblock method 
of planimetric block adjustment: mathemat 
ical foundation and organization of its 
practical application. Photogrammetria 21: 
5, Oct. 1966. 
[45] K. Kraus, Untersuchungen zur ebenen ver 
ketteten linearen Ähnlichkeitstransforma 
tion. Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen (ZfV) 
91: 4, April 1966. 
[46] E. M. Mikhail, Horizontal aerotriangulation 
by independent models using horizon camera 
photography and B-8. Paper presented at 
the International Symposium on Spatial 
Aerotriangulation, Urbana, March 1966. To 
be published in Photogrammetria. 
[47] R. Roelofs, Une methode de compensation 
planimetrique de blocs par des equations de 
condition. Bull, de la Soc. Beige de Photogram 
metrie No. 82, Dec. 1965. 
[48] W. Sander, Festpunktverdichtung durch 
photogrammetrische Blocktriangulation. ZfV 
89: 8, Aug. 1964. 
[49] E. H. Thompson, The computation of single 
strips in plan. The Photogrammetric Record 
5: 29, April 1967. 
[50] A. J. Van der Weele, Relative accuracy and 
independent geodetic control in strip triang 
ulation. Photogrammetria 21, 2, April 1966. 
[51] F. Ackermann, A method of analytical block 
adjustment for heights. Photogrammetria 19: 
8, 1962-64. 
[52] H. G. Jerie, A simplified method for block 
adjustment of heights. Photogrammetria 19: 
8, 1962-64. 
[53] H. G. Jerie, Eine Methode für die Höhen 
blockausgleichung von Aerotriangulationen 
unter Einbeziehung von Hilfsdaten. B. und 
L. 35: 1/2, March/June 1967. 
[54] A. D. N. Smith, Ai. J. Aliles, and P. Verrall, 
Analytical aerial triangulation block adjust 
ment; the direct height solution incorporating 
tie-strips. The Photogrammetric Record 5 : 
29, April 1967. 
[55] G. Inghilleri and R. Galetto, Further de 
velopment of the method of aerotriangula 
tion by independent models. Photogram 
metria 22: 1, Jan. 1967. 
[56] H. Schkölziger, Programm Aerotriangula 
tion. Die Auswertung von Triangulations 
streifen und Blöcken auf der elektronischen 
Rechenanlage Zuse Z23. Deutsche Geod. 
Komm. Reihe B, No. 121, 1965. 
[57] G. H. Schut, Formation of strips from in 
dependent models. Paper presented at the 
semi-annual meeting of the Am. Soc. of 
Photogr. St. Louis, Oct. 1967. Also publica 
tion NRC-9695 of the National Research 
Council of Canada. 
[58] K. Szangolies, Aerotriangulation mit unab 
hängigen Bildpaarendas Verfahren der Zu 
kunft? Vermessungstechnik 13: 3, March 
[59] E. H. Thompson, Aerial triangulation by 
independent models. Photogrammetria 19: 
7, 1962-64. 
[60] E. H. Thompson, Review of methods of in 
dependent model aerial triangulation. The 
Photogrammetric Record 5 : 26, Oct. 1965. 
[61] V. A. Williams and H. H. Brazier, Aerotri 
angulation by the observation of independ 
ent models. Photogrammetria 19: 7, 1962-64. 
[62] V. A. Williams and H. H. Brazier, The 
method of the adjustment of independent 
models. Huddersfield test strip. The Photo 
grammetric Record 5: 26, Oct. 1965. 
[63] V. A. Williams and H. H. Brazier, Aerotri 
angulation by independent models: a com 
parison with other methods. Photogrammetria 
21: 3, June 1966. 
[64] H. S. Williams, Weight coefficient matrices 
for unit model connections. Presented paper, 
Lausanne Congress. 
[65] A. J. McNair, Triplets: a basic unit for 
analytical aerotriangulation. Photogram 
metria 19: 7, 1962-64. 
[66] J. M. Anderson, R. L. Ealum, and A. J. 
McNair, Analytic aerotriangulation using 
triplets in strips. Interim Technical Report, 
Surveying Dep., School of Civ. Eng., Cor 
nell University, 1965. 
[67] M. Keller and G. C. Tewinkel, Three-photo 
aerotriangulation. ESSA-C&GS Technical 
Bulletin 29, Feb. 1966.

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