Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 3)

ALT 15 
ALT 16 
ALT 17 
ALT 18 
Terrain area illuminated by cm radar bundle 
approx« 1°. 
Terrain area illuminated by 50 MC laser bundle 
approx. 0.4' 
Terrain depth illuminated by radar bundle (depends 
on topography, vegetation and water table), values 
for average terrain^not specifically steep. 
Tilt of the radar/laser bundle. Its value is supposed 
to be kept below 1° or its influence is supposed to be 
corrected in the adjustment phase of aerial trian 
approx. 1.5% of 
flight height 
approx. 0.1 °/oo 
of flight height 
between 0 and 5 m 
Performance of altitude functions. 
ALT 19 Barometric altimeter height reading, uncorrected 
for temp, lapse and local QNH. 
( Using the elements ALT 1,2) . 
ALT 20 Barometric altimeter height, corrected for 
temperature lapse rate and for local QNH. 
( Using the elements ALT 1,2, 3,4) . 
ALT 21 Statoscope altitude differences, 
and 22 (Using the elements ALT 1,2, 7, 8, 9 or 10) as 
measured from high altitudes (ALT 21) 
from low altitudes (ALT 22). 
ALT 23 Hypsometer altitude differences, as recorded 
and 24 continuously. ( Using the elements ALT 1, 2, 7, 8, 
11 or 12 ) as measured from high altitude 
(ALT 23) 
from low altitudes (ALT 24) 
ALT 25 Airborne profile record, radar APR, ( Using the 
and 26 elements ALT 1, 2, 3, 7, 8,11 or 12,13,15,17,18) 
as measured from high altitude (ALT 25) 
from low altitude (ALT 26) 
ALT 27 Geodolite, airborne laser altimetry, combined 
and 28 with continuous recording, and with continuous 
strip photo positioning (Using the elements ALT 
1,2,3, 7, 8,11 or 12,14,16,18) measured from 
high altitude (ALT 27) 
from low altitude (ALT 28) 
approx. 200 m 
at low altitudes 4 m 
at high altitudes 6 m 
with radio sonde 2 m 
2.0 m 
1.2 m 
1.5 m 
0. 6 m 
3.0 m 
2. 5 m 
2 m 
1.5 m 
NOTE: The performance of the APR or Geodolite can be improved 
further by partly eliminating random errors: using groups 
of reliable points covering two models, the standard error 
in APR can be 1... 1. 5 m; with laser application, it can be 
expected that standard errors as low as 1 m may be reached, approx. 1.0 m

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