ria. According to the recommendation of Faris conference 1]
/1965/ prof. Hallert was charged to solve the accuracy to-
lerances and he was charged to lead the intercommission
working group “Fundamental problems, definitions, toleran-
ces” /Bad Goddésberg, symposium of and commission, April 1966/,
The intention of gaining complete information about
up-to-day tolerances in different countries was very reason-
able. However, the task proved to be so difficult, that it
was inevitable to separate it from the problem of stating
the formulas for accuracy tolerances out of the parameters. e
The working group IV-5 was of the opinion that the
best way to obtain information about claims on accuracy of
medium and large scale maps and information about accuracy
tolerances of such maps is a questionnaire search with as
many participants as possible.
. fhe required accuracy of a map depends upon many
factors, which may be very different in different countries.
such factors may be e.g. type of the country, existing maps
and soil funds, purpose of the map, disposal of time, instru-
mental equipment, quality of personnel etc.
Jherefore the working group IV-Y worked out a question
naire and sent it to all members. he complex of questions
covers more than just the problem of tolerances and parame-
ters. Qur intention was to obtain as much information about
photogrammetric methods as possible and to gain detailed
inowledge about exploiting of photogrammetric methods. : :
The proposal of the questionnaire was agreed by the
participants of Commission IV. symposium in Prague in 1966.