Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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The questionnaire was delivered to all ISP members 
with a letter asking for cooperation. In addition it was 
cent to some mapping services in Europe, that are not ISP 
members yet as well as thanks to Messrs. Te Lou Tchang, 
Leo W. Stark and Adolfo Dorman, advisers of Economical 
Commissions for Africa, Asia, Far East and Latin America 
to such services in Africa, America and Asia. 
Commission IV working group 5 recieved 63 answered 
questionnaires from 28 countries. All participants of this 
questionnaire experiment are enlisted in the next chapter. 
Working group 5 thanks all participants for their 
help in this experiment. We thank especially to organiza- 
tions from Ivory Coast, Ghana, Union of Soviet Soc. Re- 
publics, Uruguay, Tanzania and Thailand, that although not 
yet IPS members, showed their understanding for the aims 
of this experiment and helped us by thorough information 
to reach a better knowledge of the problem solved. 

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