Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Aerial Survey Camera 
16 = 
he ma- 
On axis 
37 1/07 
(low con- 
50 1/mm 
(high con- 
At 450- 
-18 1/mm 
On axis 
35-40 1/um 
(low contr. ) 
201 oP onm 
Country Org 1.1 3.11 1.31.12 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 
Noe cm mm 
German l Zeiss MRB| 18x18 | 210 | Annually in | Mean error in| The lens No 
Democratic 115 | the laborato-| the position | quality 
Republic 23x23 | 153 | ry. of the prin- | is satis- 
cipal point factory. 
and fiducial 
marks *0,0lmmn 
Ghana À d - - = - d e 
Hungary 1 Wild RC 5 | 18x18 | 2lo | Occasionally No No Is the 
Wild RC 8 | 23x23 | 153 | (when the property 
115 | maintain is of the 
AFATE 23x23 To | carried out). lens . 
Iren 1 Wild RC 8 | 23x23 | 152 | Irregularly No No No 
AIL in the l&- 
from the 
Italy 1 Zeiss RMK In the labo» - - 5. 
Galileo ratory.Only 
Santoni VI 23x23 | 152 when necessa- 
Wild RC 5a rye 
2 Wide angle| - - Every 2nd - - - 
camera year or 
the labors- 
Ivory 1 SOM 19x19 | 125 - No No No 
Coast (plates) 
Japan 1 Zoiss RMK {23x23 | 152 | At least Position * 10 (um No 
18x18 | 210 | every 2nd of the 
18x18 | 115 | year.In the |principal 
Wild RC 5a 18x18 | 210 | laboratory. point and 
Wild RC 8 115 de_O, 02m 

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