Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

States or equal ratory when | Principal $ 10 Am 
of needed point tang. 
America + 0,05 mm + 8 am 
Wild RC 8| 23x23 | 152 | Every 3 Principal | £ 10am | 40 l.p.mm at OC 
iWild RC 9 B8 | years in point 20 1.p.mm at 
the labora- |+ C,03mm. 42,59 
tory of the |Diagonals 
manufacturer.| (fiduc. 
Occasionally |marks) 
from the pho-| 909 + 1°. 
tographs. Flatness 
+ 12 um 
Wild RC 8| 23x23 | 152 | Irregularly No No No 
in the la 
boratory of 
the manu- 
Zeiss 23x23 | 152 | Every 2-3 According to the US Bureau 
RMK-A years by the of Standards. 
US Bureau of 
Wild RC 8| 23x23 | 152 | Every 5 No No No 
years in the 
Zeiss 23x23 | 152 ey camera | Principal | 5 um at | 50 l.p.mm at O9 
RMK-A 9 months)- |point EA 
no calibra- |+ 0,03 mm. go 1m at 
tion Diagonals |+ 10 am , 
(fiduc. at 42,59 
90? x 1'. 
+ 10 am 
Wild RC 8 | 23x23 | 152 | Irregularly |Ceological - 
Wild RC 9 88 | by the ma- Survey or 
nufacturer Army Map 
and US Bureau) Service 
of Standards. {Standards 
Wild RC 8 | 23x23 | 152 | Starting the No No No 
Wild RC 9 | 23x23 88 | stellar ca- 
Wild RC Ta) 15x15 100 | libration. 
In the labo- 
Focus £ 3mm 
28 l.p.mm 
Ameri cz 
Union c 

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