Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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Photographic Material 
2 2.23 2.24 |Country | Orgi| 2.11a/ 2.11b | 2.12 | 2.13 | 2.14 12.15] 2.21a 2.21b 2.22 2.23 2.24 
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(Group A:| Yes hana 1 
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Group Hunga- 2 = 100% | 25 l.pd No No No No For all - No Ex- 
0,045 mm ry mm Estar For common cepti- 
used. hign tasks. onally 
accura- : 
T = cy only 
Iran 1 = - No No No No Yes - No Yes 
As per Yes | 
cs [manufac- Italy a H— | 100X - - - - Yes For so- 6 - - 
turer me re- | months 
2 11 = 100% No No No No Yes For 15 - When 
terrest- days needed 
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C,08mm Yes phot. 
tha Ivory 
Coast 1 |[Mostly| Some~ | The same specifications as  - - - - - 
times | the French Geographic Insti- 
1 |0,02mm | Yes tut 
Japan 1l - 100% No 0,1% | Resi- [No Yes - As re- 
dual quired No When 
0, 02mm Yes error needed 
3 after 
3 trans- 
‘ form. 
à |0,02mm | Occa- max. 
3 sio- 30 am 
3010,02mm | Yes |Malaya | 1 11 - 100% 150 1.5.) 0,1% | 0,05% |No Yes - 1 O,02mm | Yes 
3 mm months 
Morocco | 1 |i 90% 10% No 0,02] - No Mostly] - 10 No Yes 
iid No Yes mn days 
tg Nether- 
| lands 3 Photographs made by KLM Y 
- oy eg tur >= 
| Aerocarto. | O, Ohm | Yes 
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