Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

= 37 = 
Survey Flight 
3s11b 3.11e 3.11d 3.11e 3.117 3.11g Country 
- - 1:20 000 | 1:40 000 | 1:40 000 11:70 000 Union of 
1:5 OCC 1:10 000 | 1:25 000 | 1:36 000 - - Republics 
1:50 OCO 
scarcely Uruguay 
usual ratio M : Mo = i1cne5 - 
usual ratio M : i = For Kelsh Yugoslavis 
3 =: 5 
For Wild A” 
1 :428 
- - = - 1:10 000 - 
- 40 000 
wide angle 
1:19 000 
- 42 000 
super wide 
1:4 800 1:10 000 | 1:25 000 | 1:50 000 | 1:50 000 ot 
1:12 500 - 
- for Kelsh - 1:60 000 
+ Multipl. 
1:5 000 1:10 OO0 | 1125 OCO | 1:50 000 | 1:100 000 M, 1:360 
Yl: 1:7 OOO 1:14 000 | 1:35 OOO | 1:70 OOO 1:1 800- 
1:12 000 e 500 
-17 OOO 
1 2 Ld 
usual ratio Mar 1 Ms = 4 3 
usual ratio Ee : My = } — 

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