Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

= 73 = 
Country | Org. 6,11 6.12 6.13 6.14 Country 
2  Optieal-mechan. m*0,015 mm in Planimetry : O, 25mm C8 - form Ivory 
negat. on map scale, A8 - back side Coast 
height 1/4 of contour| of photograph. 
| | Japan 
! | 
France l Optical-mechan., Residual trans- | Various according to Yes 
sometimes numerical | versal paral. the scale | 
corrections 0, 02mm | 
German l Optical-mechan. 1/2 float.mark Depends on purpose Form. 
Fed. and scale of map Malaya 
2 Optical-mechan. Resid.paral. Resid.error Book | 
0,01-0,02 um X,ÿ + 15 cm | 
| a 
| | Morocco 
3 Optical-mechan. y-paral. Topogr plotting Form 
0,02 mum + 0,2 mm in model 
Numer. :mean sq. 
error of planim. Nether- 
+15 cm,height +30cm lands 
German 1 Optical -mechan. No Planimetry: resid. Form Pakistan 
Dem, error twice mean 
Republic error of pass points 
pines 1 
Ghana 1 - - - - 
T Polend ; 
Hungary | 1 Optical-mechan No Planimetry:- O,3mm Book and forn 
in the model sc. 
Iran 1 Optical-mechen. 0,03mm in model | Planimetry " 0,2mm Form | 
&nd numerical BC. height + 0,2%. H | |Portugall 1 
Italy 1 Optical-mechan Visual elimina- - Form 
tion of vertical ees 
paral. 2 
e Optical-mechan. No Depends on purpose and| Form 
Scale of the map 

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