a to
a Design
y and plot-
rried out
USA), there-
n of aerial
f adjacency
f urban areas
Country | Orgi| 7. Publications 8 Problems Being 9. Subjects to
No. Solved Criteria Design
= =
England | 1 - - Good proportions
e Map user's specifications - -
France I - - -
German 1 Not published - -
1 2 Allowances of pass points: Checking procedures Tolerances for aimed
"Festpunktfelderlass"vom of boundary point | photographs.
15.8.1940 plotting |
Allowances of boundary points:
"Nieders Fortführungserless II.
vom 22.3.1965.
Allowances of contour lines
and elevations of detail
points: "Richtlinien des Bei-
rates für das Vermessungs-
wesen 1924" and "Handbuch
für die topographische Auf-
nahme der Deutschen Grund-
karte 1956".
German 1 Not published Improvement of toleran- | Proper relation between
|Dem. ces according to develop— necessary accuracy
Republic ment of instruments and economy
Chana 1 - - -
Eungary | 1 Stetistical data in "Geodé- Methods of topographi- Methods of prevertion
zia ós Kartográfia". Tole- cal mapping in flat, of gross errors. Cri-
rances in "Instruction". hilly and mountainous tical examination of
country user's requirements
with regard to possibi-
lities and economy
Iran 1 Not published - -
Italy 1 Internal instructions - =
Internal instructions