Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

= 100 = 
SO Country | Orgd| 7. Publications 8. Problems Being 9. Subjects to 
a Design No. Solved Criteria Design 
l analyses 
| of block AT 16 "Reference Guide Outline" - More studies on emul- 
ressed as & U.S. Dept. of Commerce- sion creep on. negative 
for internal -Bureau of Public Roads films and more stabili- 
etric accura- ty on base films, use 
| to ground of filters, etc. Better 
riteria should illumination of the 
ed in this Stereo models on Kelsh 
her than by type (anaglyphic) 
lerances. } plotting instruments. 
- Union of | 1 Instructions for mepping Dependence of errors in Scientifically justi- 
Soviet 1:10 COO and 1:25 000. à rap upon elevation errors| fied user's require- 
Soc. Part I.: Field works (1964)| of orientation points. De- | ments upon accuracy of 
— À—. || Republic Part II: Office works(1965)| pendence of contour inter- maps and plans. 
publ.by Nedra, Moscow. val upon photo scale. 
= "Photogrammetric densening 
of basic triangulation net- 
work" Trudy CNIIGAiK 172, 
publ. by Nedra, 1967. 
Uruguay | 1 Not published - Higher accuracy of in- 
, determina- struments and mate- 
he effects rials for drawing, 
rinkage, at- scribing and rerroduc- 
refraction tion. 
L and diaposi- 
er distor- 
Jie Internal instructions - - 
of infrared 
sion on sca- 
base. Impro- 
olor and IR 
iy. Reduction 
+} the number 
1 marks and 

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