Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

(5) Film Kodak type -1 
70 mm width with special perforation 
interval of 5. 6 mm and 100 feet length 
using the spool winding system. 
(6) Shutter Speeds 1 sec. to 1/500 sec. T and B compur 
shutter: Seikosha OSL type with 
Connection point for strobo light. 
(7) Finder Reflection type finder 
Finder lens Mamiya-SEKOR 1:3.5 f=105 mm 
In the corner of the View Finder, distance 
from object is shown. 
(8) Automatic operation AC 100 V Electronic Source 
Continuous photographing with the time 
intervals of l and 2 seconds and also single 
shots can be taken. 
2.3 Details of Mechanism 
The photography operation is conducted with two kinds of cycle systems: the 
first is the single cycle system for the single shot, the other is the continuous 
cycle system for the successive shots. 
Photo. 1 shows the general front view of the camera. 
The two lenses at the extreme left 
and right are used for stereo photo- 
graphing and set with a distance inter- 
val of 30 cm. The central lens is used 
for the view-finder. 
C1: Film supply magazine 
C2: Film wind-up magazine 
V: Finder hood 
N: Film number counter which 
indicates the number of pictures taken. Photo 1 
F: Focusing screw 
M1: Driving motor for mechanism 
M2: Timing motor for automatic cycles 
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