Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Photo. 2 shows the general back view of the camera with the back cover opened. 
Here in photo. 2, 
P: Piston head for film suction. 
13 : Sprocket shaft for film transport 
5: Control panel for all control switches 
Photo 2 
Photo. 3 shows the details of the control panel. 
Here in photo. 3, 
C : Connector for AC 100 v 
Sl: Main switch 
Ss: Single cycle switch 
Sc: Continuous cycle switch 
So: Stop switch for Sc switch 
$52: Selector switch for 1 and 2 secnods 
F: Fuse 
L: Pilot lamp 
Photo 3 
The automatic cycle of this camera consists of the following diagram: 
Film transport 
Film suction shutter release — 
Switch in 
Shutter charge 
— —Film release— ——Film winding. 

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