Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

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Photo.4 shows the mechanism detail during assembly. The camera mechanism 
is shown in detail in Fig.l: 
Photo 4 
Fig. I’ Mechanism Details of Stereo-Camera 
Fig.l shows the general principle of the automatic cycle mechanism. The main 
motor (M,) drives the shaft (I) through the gear train. By a half turn of the pin 
wheel (11) on the shaft (I), the cross gear is driven 1/4 turn. By this intermittent 
motion of 1/4 turn of the cross gear, the sprocket shaft (III) is driven 2 complete 
turns transporting the film 200 mm. The transported film is wound by the spool 
inside the wind-up magazine. 
Each film length is about 100 mm. The distance between the two lenses is 300 mm 
and the film at each shot is transported about 200 mm. Therefore, Fig.2 shows in 
order each stop required when the entire film is to be used for photographing. 
I — 300mm ——— —À1 
I ——— 200mm ——+ | 
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Fig 2 Trasporting system of Film 
The lower figure of Fig.! shows the shutter mechanism and the suction of film. 
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