Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

After completing the orientation, the other 24 grid points are measured and com- 
pared with the direct measurement values, The mean square errors of deviation 
calculated from these 24 values are as follows: 
Mean square Deviation Value 
Error max. min. 
| eee sere 
Xms 0.073 mm | +0,12 mm | -0.18 mm 
Yms 0. 073 mm -0.12 mm 
Zms 0.158 mm -0.31 mm 
photography under the similar conditions and, therefore, the sufficient accuracy 
can be expected in our actual work with this camera, 
orientation work must be done with utmost caution. 
2.4.2 Measurement of Distortion, Curvature of the Field and Astigmatism. 
Fig.6 shows the aberration curve of distortion, curvature of the field, and 
longitudinal spherical aberration and astigmatism. The left figure shows the 
longitudinal spherical aberration. From this figure we may guess that the position 
of circle of least confusion, in other 
words, the best focus point is a little 
forward to the lens from the Gauss 
image point, that is about-0.12 mm. 
Spherical Field Curvature and 
Aberration Astigmatism 
F = 105 mm 
Fig. 6 
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