Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

Fig. 14 Plan View 
Deformation On Free Rolling Of Conventional Tire 
Technica! Data 
Vectica! Load 425kg m 
Inflation Pressure 17kg 
Speed (60km/h 
0 \ 
Scale | 
: Contour Intervai 25mm 
- -12. 59 
qu um Mapped By A7? Autograpn 
'! 5$ Motion 3tero Camera 
Produced of Maruyasu Lab 
Institute Of Industral Science 
The University of Tokyo 
Photo. 10 Stereo - photo in Free Rolling of Tire 
at Speed 160 km /n. 
= 17 - 

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