Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

the result data, the orientation error is within the limit of approximately 0.2- 
0.5 mm. Fig.36 shows the mean square error of the independent measurement 
taken eleven times for the same points on the tire. From these observations, the 
range of the observation errors exist within the limit of +0.3 mm. An operator with 
ordinary trained skill is capable of taking measurements with similar accuracy. 
Lbs x gaesilod 1q 
} 0-190 (002897. 4 10.580 
2 l 9.248 |: 0.198 | 0,400 m 
3 | 0.3065 | o34 | 02100 0) 
4T T gio | 0,216 | 0.302 
time EU CN 
s | a | 0,231 | 0.203 
6, | eee 0.281 
(in mm) 
Fig. 36 Mean Square Error of Independent Measurement in 
Free - Rolling of Tire 
4.2 Orientation Accuracy of the Compressed Wide Flange 
In the wide flange experiment, as shown in fig. 37, the rule of AB and the plumb 
line of E regulate the fundamental plane and the scale of the measurement and as 0) 
the origin of the co-ordinate, A point, that is the end point of the rule AB, is selected 
B A 
[+ =} 
Gt | 
Tad det 
Fig. 37 Orientation Accuracy of Measurement of Compressed 
Wide Flange 
- 36 -

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