Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

and C and D points are used as the check points for orientation. 
right side of fig. 37, orientation errors for points C and D are shown. 
In the table at the 
The range of 
error is within 10. 3 mm for x, and y direction and 10.5 mm for Z direction. 
Fig. 38 shows the mean square errors of the independent measurement taken eleven 
times for the same points on the Wide Flange. 
of observation errors is within +0, 15 mm. 
From these observations, the range 
Fig. 38 Mean Square Error of Independent Measurement of 
Compressed Wide Flange 
5. Observations of the Results and Recommendation 
2-11 = 
2-2 - 
+ ÿ med X y | Z 
Zar uU: OO 0.078 0.142 
25 90.06 ^ —09,12^1*0/13 -9/06 9 9719 5120.24 
DR 0.078 0.073 0.277 
11-7 0.16 ^ -0.12 | 0.30~ -0.06 | 0.31 + -0.20 
+ >. 5 p oo 0.047 0.197 
+. | 0.06 * -0.06 | 0.18 > -0.12 | 0.29 ~ -0.12 
15—2 i 
* + Mu. | di 0.00 | o 
| 0.24 +-0.12..1 018 0:12 | 0.26  -0.14 
Baa | 0.098 0.072 | 0.298 
|^0:09.5720:12* [10-12 5/0, 000 91476953 
SN | 0.086 0.046 0.243 
| 0.12 — -0.12 | 0.12  -0.06 | 0.24 + -0.18 
(in mm) 
From the results of practical measurements mentioned above, the I. I. S, new 
stereo-camera can be used very effectively for the measurement of objects in 
motion. Measurements taken with the use of this camera will become more widely 
utilized in many fields in the future. 
The following discusses the observations of the measurement of practical examples 
and recommendation. 
5,1 Observation on the Results of Measurement during of Moving Tires 
(1) The braking torque vs. displacement in the tangential direction, and side 
force vs displacement in lateral direction are compared with in both case 
static and dynamic experiments as shown in figure l6, 17; 22 and 23," The 
- 37 - 

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