Full text: Actes du onzième Congrès International de Photogrammétrie (fascicule 4)

deformation of braked tire in dynamic is considerably different from the 
results obtained from the static experiment, but the deformation in cornering 
is consistent in both cases. 
Formerly, when the dynamic deformations of tires were hardly measured by 
the experiment, dynamic data were usually replaced by the data obtained by 
static experiments. By use of the I. I. S. , new stereo-camera, the dynamic 
spring rate of tires being available quite easily, will give the great benifit to 
the field of analysis of vehicle dynamics. In the examples mentioned above, 
the dynamic spring rate has a different tendency from the static case- this 0 >» 
reasoning is derived from time dependent characteristics of the tire deforma- 
tions on braking or cornering. 
(2) By the photogrammetric method, analysis of the deformation at any section 
in motion can be done quite easily (see ref.l) and a front view picture with 
contours provides important information on the problems of the effect of the 
contact area and generation of the standing wave phenomena. These were shown 
in fig. 6-fig. 9 and fig. 15. 
By drawing the sectional change of the tire, the contionuous motion at any pt. 
on the surface of the tire can be traced in detail. 
(3) Mr. Lauterbach and Ames (see ref.2) measured the stresses in statically 0) 
loaded tire during by the profile gauge and analysed the relationship between 
local stress and strain. By the photogrammetric method, these series of 
experiments in dynamic conditions, can be done without using the profile 
gauge and data can be obtained on the local stress and strain of the tire which 
are difficult to obtain the conventional method. 
(4) Fig. 25 shows the deformation within the contact area during cornering. 
In this connection, Mr. Fiala and Freudenstein (see ref. 3 and 4) have treated 
theoretically the deformed line of cornering tire in their paper respectively. 
These kind of experimental measurements can be accomplished very effectively 
using the techniques of new stereo-camera. 
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